Team Raven – Formation Aerobatic Display Team
Team Raven formed in 2014 as a 5-ship formation aerobatic display team from the dissolution of Team Osprey (Yak 52s) & Team Viper (Strikemasters & Hunters).
The original team flew with a Van’s RV4 as leader & 4 x Van’s RV8s as wingmen until 2018 when the Team adopted an all RV8 line-up. Over the last 8 seasons the Team has gone through a period as a 6-ship display, back to a 5-ship & now for 2022, we are aiming to put on show a 6-ship once again. The last 9 months has seen some pilot changes & after working up 2 new pilots (Pete Wells & Russ Eatwell) to fly in the Team, a recent illness of an original member has meant the recruitment of a replacement who comes in the form of Chris Heames. The pilot biographies speak for themselves in terms of the vast experience of the Team as a whole. The routine changes little this year from the sequence of 2019, albeit the addition of a 6th aircraft adds another element to our display. The display is a mix of formation aerobatics involving elements of 6, 4, 3 & 2 aircraft as well as some opposition & tailchase-type manoeuvres, aiming to keep elements of the formation in front of the crowd at all times in a well-timid & at times, balletic routine. After a very quiet 2020 & a reasonably quiet 2021, in this our 9th season, we are once again aiming to display throughout the UK & wider afield in Europe & we cannot wait! 2022 also sees the Team adopting a new livery which has at pride of place on the nose, the logo of our MT Propeller sponsor.